I am a film photographer based in Seattle, though I sometimes use older digital cameras and make art in other mediums. This is a blog and gallery showcasing some of my work and thoughts. I shoot black and white film and make prints in the traditional wet darkroom setting. I also shoot color photography, which I scan and print with a computer and printer set-up.
My dream is to someday open a lab and darkroom space to share with queer and trans photographers in my region to support diverse visions in the arts world in Seattle and the pacific northwest. Until I can make that dream a reality, I will practice and make work as best as I can.
I also have other hobbies I like to partake in, like hand-tool woodworking, letterpress, and vintage item restoration. I also dabble with fixing old cameras and lenses, though don't expect me to be taking commissions for that anytime soon.
This page is a place where I will post whatever writing stuff I like to do, and will include posts about photography, woodworking, movies, and anything else I care to put here. Check out the Blog link above to see a list of blog posts, or check out a preview of my latest posts below:
Last updated 2023-05-07
But there's a couple problems with bench grinders, which I greatly underestimated. They throw off a lot of shit. They're loud and scary. Theres a lot of metallic waste material being thrown around everywhere. If you're using a friable grinding wheel (which you should, as you can dress the wheel to have a convex shape and give yourself more control when grinding), the wheel also throws of gritty little specks everywhere. In a confined shop space where there's a lot of tools and wood and sawdust everywhere, it's not an ideal place to also add a powered, high speed grinder into the mix. In short, it's a mess.
Last updated 2023-04-26
Now that I've finished the basic assembly of the bench, I have spent the last month or so building up the finishing touches, which was not easy. I have 2 tasks to complete before I can say the bench is done. First, I need to build a planing stop so that I have a basic way to hold boards still while I plane the faces. Second, I need to build my leg vise, which requires gluing up the laminations to make a sufficiently weighty chop, then drilling out the corresponding holes and mortises for the pin board I will be using to prevent racking when clamping material. As usual, this process took me longer that I anticipated.
When I first decided to build this bench, I was most excited to buy all the cool little doodads and widgets that I would eventually put into the bench. The first things I purchased, before even getting the wood, were 2 holdfasts, a planing stop from an American blacksmith on Etsy, and the vise screw for my leg vise. It has been well over a year since making those purchases and I am now, finally, in a place to build the parts required to actually use them. This is a recurring problem for me. I am a habitual cart-first horse-second thinker.
Last updated 2023-04-13
When using a planer, my understanding is that you aren't shooting for perfect accuracy of depth using the graduations in the machine alone. That is fine. I found that the marked gradations on the depth adjustment wheel to be pretty accurate, which is good. It means if you turn the depth knob down 1/64th an inch, you get a very light pass that a quick check with a 6" rule confirms is about 1/64" reduction in thickness. This is a very good thing.
However, having 5 sections on the wheel means that turning a full rotation gives you 5/64" change in your depth. Is this standard on planers? If so, maybe I'll commission a cheap factory to make a planer that uses 4 sections of graduation on the wheel. It's insane to me that you have to keep track of rotations in 5's.
Last updated 2023-03-16
This bench design is clearly well thought out. Even with my extremely ugly and sloppy joints, the bench pulls together at final assembly, like tension on guitar strings. As I walked around the bench, driving in the pegs into each joint, I could feel the strength and solidity in my work. When my friends flipped the bench over, it came down with a solid thud, and I leapt up and sat on it, triumphant. I had done what I previously thought was impossible. I had built a real, undeniably strong workbench.
It is overkill. I could have made something simpler, smaller, less intense. I could have just bought a nice workbench from a decent maker and been on my merry way. But I chose the difficult path, and I made it out alive and with an actual, complete bench. I was so scared it was going to explode or fall apart that I had nightmares of planing the bench and chunks falling off like pieces of cake. But yet it stands, a testament to strong joints and sweat.